  Public Ticket #1104945
Display a single cell


  •  2
    Standpoint started the conversation

    Hi, I have a fairly simple question. I'm creating a dashboard with your product that needs to display a single number (total count) from one of the tables. Imagine "total sign-ups" or something similar. I'd like to display the running count from that cell, on its own, nice and big on the page.

    Is there any way to do that with your product or the charts?



  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Standpoint,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    Unfortunately something like this is not available out of the box. From version 2.0. that is currently in the developing stage, we'll add a feature to show single value for column SUM, column Average, column Minimum and column Maximum value. 

    We also have plans to add single cell shortcode in the future so you'll be able to show just one value. For example value from 7th row and 3rd column, but I can'r promise you when this feature will be added.