Hi there, is there any way to do conditional formatting for a row? You can do this in Google Sheets. If not, is this a feature that could be added? Would definitely help me out.
Unfortunately something like this is not possible. It can be done just with some custom coding. Only conditional formatting that is available in wpDataTables is defined by the column and not by the row. You can take a look at this documentation from our website about conditional formatting - Link.
Hi there, is there any way to do conditional formatting for a row? You can do this in Google Sheets. If not, is this a feature that could be added? Would definitely help me out.
Hi Tyler,
Thank you for the purchase.
Unfortunately something like this is not possible. It can be done just with some custom coding. Only conditional formatting that is available in wpDataTables is defined by the column and not by the row. You can take a look at this documentation from our website about conditional formatting - Link.