  Public Ticket #1093673
Make Form Wider


  •  2
    Jim Wyrsch started the conversation

    I would like to widen the form. It only fills about 60% of the displayed page. See example.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jim Wyrsch,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    I don't think I understood your issue. Can you please provide  us some link so we can take a look at the table and describe me the issue in more details?

  •  2
    Jim Wyrsch replied

    Attached is how the Client web page looks. Note all of the wasted space to the left and right.

    The site is http://smma-svdp.org.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jim Wyrsch,

    This issue is related with your active theme. The page content in this theme is not wide enough. Maybe you can try to change your theme. The class entry-content of your theme have left and right margin. If you add this CSS directly on the page between <style></style> tags you'll make it wider:

    .entry-content {
        margin: 0;