In current version of the plugin automatic fill for possible values is possible just for tables that are not server-side processing tables. From version 2.0. there will be an option to automatically fill possible values for server-side tables also, but unfortunately at this moment it's not possible. Version 2.0. is currently in the development stage.
Beta version should be released probably in April but I can't promise you. If you need this for version 1.7.1 it can be done just as a custom solution.
It is possible to automatic fill possible values via cron job or something?
my problem is i have a big database that updated often, i need the possible values to be calculated automatic not manual via table settings.
Hi p4nthere,
Thank you for the purchase.
In current version of the plugin automatic fill for possible values is possible just for tables that are not server-side processing tables. From version 2.0. there will be an option to automatically fill possible values for server-side tables also, but unfortunately at this moment it's not possible. Version 2.0. is currently in the development stage.
Thanks Milos.
Did you have any timeline for version 2?
Hi p4nthere,
Beta version should be released probably in April but I can't promise you. If you need this for version 1.7.1 it can be done just as a custom solution.