  Public Ticket #1069551
Filtering form on separate page


  •  2
    federico started the conversation


    I know that there is a wa to pre-filter the table by adding a key to the url:


    I want to create a filtering form in a different page and when the user submits the form, the website redirects him to the table page with the filtered values. 

    Is there a way to create a form that generates a URL with the filtered values?


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Federico,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    Something like that is not possible out of the box but it can be done with custom coding. When you are submitting a form you can grab these values from the form and put them in the URL so that when form is submitted and page is redirected these values will be in the Link and the table will be pre-filtered by these values. 

    You can add JS code directly on the page or even better to create Custom Page Template and to enqueue .js file with this code.

    Hope this helps!