  Public Ticket #1067843
Charts... no "Next" button


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    danelige started the conversation

    where is the Next button? its so annoying to have to wait 3 days for tickets now instead of doing work. Honestly... sucks! do not deploy functionality without documentation. 

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    danelige replied

    1. you are setting display: none for some weird reason... annoying.

    <button class="button" style="display: none;" id="nextStep">Next >></button>

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    danelige replied

    managed to inspect and remove that line, see the button and click it, BUT the site is loading forever without actually finishing... annoying.

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    danelige replied

    2. documentation: HOW do you set the axes of the chart? for example if I need the date to be on the x-axis? not clear. 

    3. is multiple axis charts possible? (like the attached)

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,
    Thank you for the purchase. Sorry for delayed reply.

    1. you are setting display: none for some weird reason... annoying.

    Please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most efficient way to see and resolve the issue. We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course we do not provide login data to third party. You can write credentials here because just check PRIVATE so nobody can see it except us.

    2. documentation: HOW do you set the axes of the chart? for example if I need the date to be on the x-axis? not clear. 

    String, Date and Datetime columns that is added in chart are used for categories, and numeric columns that are added in the chart are used for categories. Some chart types by default set Categories values on the X-Axis (Line chart, Column chart...) and some chart types on Y-Axis (Bar chart,  Stacked bar chart). What chart engine are you using and what chart type?

    Also there is an option in Axes tab Invert and if you check this option you'll invert the axes so that the x axis is vertical and y axis is horizontal.

    3. is multiple axis charts possible? (like the attached)

    Not out of the box but it can be done using wpDataChart callback. You can take a look at usage and examples of wpDataChart callback at this link from our documentation - Link.

    Also I have one example of different chart series and multiple axes so you can take a look at this example at make it by your own needs. This example is for Highcharts chart library:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    if( typeof wpDataChartsCallbacks == 'undefined' ){ wpDataChartsCallbacks = {}; }
    wpDataChartsCallbacks[46] = function(obj){
      obj.options.yAxis = [],
      obj.options.yAxis[0] = {},
      obj.options.yAxis[0].title = {},
      obj.options.yAxis[0].title.text = 'Test 1',
      obj.options.yAxis[1] = {},
      obj.options.yAxis[1].title = {},
      obj.options.yAxis[1].title.text = 'Test 2',
      obj.options.yAxis[1].opposite = true,   
      obj.options.series[0].type = 'column',
      obj.options.series[1].type = 'spline',
      obj.options.series[1].yAxis = 1
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    danelige replied




    Your reply was useful and professional Milos. Well done, thank you.

    My problem is of course still persisting and it costs me time. I cannot publish my article and am forced to now go search for alternative visualisation options for charts. 

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    danelige replied

    also: how does it work if I want to use google sheets source but fetch the data only ONCE (not updating!) and effectively cache it forever? 

    this is important because my articles will take snapshots of the data and describe it. I do not want to go back to that article 4 months later and see the data/charts updated to today, and the description of the data talking about 4 months ago.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    With these credentials that you have sent me I don't have administrator privileges. Can you promote me to admin?

    I didn't quite understand your second question? Are you asking if you create a chart from Google Spreadsheet and update that file later, will chart data also update? If that is not the case can you describe me your question in more details.

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    danelige replied

    you are admin now. 

    second question: I wanted to know whether I can set for the plugin to import google sheets data ONCE, and not auto-update going forward. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    I saw that there is no issue with Chart Wizard. I then take a look at the image from your first ticket and see that you have added 2 columns. One column was date and one was string. I had a red notice that says: Please do not add more then one string-type (date/time, image, email, URL) column since only one can be used as a label. So when you are creating charts you can add just one column that will be string/date/datetime column type and other columns should be numeric.

    second question: I wanted to know whether I can set for the plugin to import google sheets data ONCE, and not auto-update going forward. 

    - You can take a look at this post from our documentation how to create wpDataTables from Google Spreadsheet - Link. After you update Google Spreadsheet wpDataTable will be updated automatically after 10 minutes because of the cache on Google side.

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    danelige replied

    I will try Milos. 

    second question: so you are saying that I cannot set cache to infinite and switch OFF auto-update?

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    danelige replied

    Milos, come on man, where is that NEXT button!?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    So you are saying that I cannot set cache to infinite and switch OFF auto-update?

    - Can you explain me your question in more details?

    Milos, come on man, where is that NEXT button!?

    - Please read my last reply where I described you in details why you don't see Next button. You can't add two columns where one of them is String column type and other is Date column type.

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    danelige replied


    1. my original google sheet data WAS numeric. You did not tell me that inside the wpTable I have to define the content type AGAIN. thats the issue... now I understand that you made my numeric google sheet values into strings. I corrected it. Charts work.

    2. the google sheet link pulls data from my google sheets into wpTable and then into the chart right? Then when I update the google sheet, the wpTable automatically updates with the new values right? I dont want that to happen. I want to pull that google sheets data into the wpTable ONLY ONCE.  and after that I do not want the wpTable values to update any more. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    2. the google sheet link pulls data from my google sheets into wpTable and then into the chart right? Then when I update the google sheet, the wpTable automatically updates with the new values right? I dont want that to happen. I want to pull that google sheets data into the wpTable ONLY ONCE.  and after that I do not want the wpTable values to update any more. 

    - Yes that is right, if you update Google Spreadsheet file wpDataTable and wpDataChart will be updated automatically. If you don't want this to happens, the only solution is to create manual table from your Google Spreadsheet file using wpDataTables constructor. You can take a look at this link from our documentation how you can create table like that - Link

  •  2
    danelige replied

    Milos, thanks. Now this is happening... and I must admit, this plugin is starting to annoy me. 

    The loading circle never stops, and the chart is not displayed! 


    pass: 123

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. Problem with the table is related with Google Chart that is also on this page. It has some JS error that breaks the table also. I tried to find this page under the Pages list but as I see this page is protected  - http://www.rigasdynasty.com/markets/2017/test-wpdt/ Can you allow me to edit this page so I can see where is the issue? 

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    danelige replied

    Milos, on my previous ticket I gave you the pass: 123

    I decided to use another plugin for charts. Your solution is not good. I spent a week trying to figure it out and its still not clear.

    now, more importantly: Stylesheets... How can I style my tables?!

    Are you pulling your stylesheets from an external website? Where are the css files? I want to create my own stylesheet set that will fit my theme. 

    Where is the header styling e.g. class "wdtheader sort numdata integer sorting_disabled _moveDays"

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    danelige replied

    where are the stylesheet files that I can edit to create custom CSS? 

    walk me through styling all the HEADERS of all wpdt Tables.

    please, for God's sake, let this pain be over!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    You can edit CSS by adding custom CSS code directly on the page between <style></style> tags or adding it in Custom CSS field on wpDataTables settings page. For example if you want to change header CSS you have to add something like this:

    .wdtheader {
        //Your CSS properties
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  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    Did you Publish to the web this Google Spreadsheet file? Please take a look at the documentation how to create wpDataTables from Google Spreadsheet at this link. You'll see that you have to Publish it before you can use it in wpDataTables. 

  •  2
    danelige replied

    “PDF” button generates a new PDF document out of the table -

    where is the template file for this please? I would like to change the layout and make the pdf landscape, not portrait. 

    thank you.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    In file../wp-content/plugins/wpdatatables/source/class.wpdatatable.php you can find

    'orientation' => 'portrait',

    and replace it with

    'orientation' => 'landscape',
  •  2
    danelige replied

    Milos, i know how to publish google sheets.

    here is a published sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l0TtQduI146KT7zKE0snq7Z_1akfC8GH9YS4Nlsagc4/edit#gid=0

    but your table plugin refuses to take the URL !!!

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    danelige replied

    so i tried and tried to copy-paste the URL with the same error as I sent you...

    and then after a few minutes, it just works: "table saved". obviously, this cannot be correct... I did nothing else apart from copy / paste the same URL. 

    one thing I did to was: changed the Publish to the Web setting from "Entire document" to the 1 sheet specifically. That is it. All google sheets have only 1 sheet in them.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    I am glad  that you have resolved the issue. I also tried to create wpDataTable from this Google Spreadsheet and now it's working.

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    danelige replied

    SCREENCAST attached. its an issue that does not go away...

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    Probably Google Spreadsheet document is not available on Google side and because of that wpDataTables is throwing an error. It can't create wpDataTable from Google Spreadsheet that is not available. Can you try to copy the link of Google Spreadsheet that you got in Publish to the web modal? Take a look at this video to see what am I thinking on - Link. Also can you send me that Google Spreadsheet and privileges to edit it? 

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    danelige replied

    The problem persists and its annoying. 

    I did publish to the web. The video tutorial is not a solution to this problem. Here is the sheet with edit privileges but you should not need that IF the plugin works correctly. And of course... the issue goes away after 20minutes or so. Which is way too long to wait to get simple tasks done.


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    danelige replied

    SOLUTION: have to reload the google sheet several times.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi danelige,

    It is working fine on my side. wpDataTable is created from this Google Spreadsheet. Should I login to your website to check this issue or it is working for you also?