  Public Ticket #1040290
Adding row numbers to tables


  •  2
    Barrie McAuliffe started the conversation

    Love the plugin, thanks. I'm just wondering if there's a way I can include row numbers in the table for easier front end reference. 

    Using the attached image as a reference, a front end column would be ideal, running in this case from 01 to the final record number.

    If not, is there a way to prefix the first column string with code that updates when sorting various columns?

    All appreciated. Thanks

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Barrie,

    Unfortunately, I didn't understood what are you trying to achieve. Do you want to have ranking column which will remain 1,2,3 despite search or sorting rest of the table or you just want column with numbers 1,2,3 which will follow sorting, search...

    if you want first option it could be done but it requires code customization.

    If you want second one we do have that for manually created tables (wdt_ID) which is hidden by default. If you have table created from data source easiest way would be to add that column upfront.

    if you have example it could be really helpful