  Public Ticket #1032054
Filter Adjustment


  •  2
    homemadebyx started the conversation

    How can i move the filter boxes below the columns to the top of the columns?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Homemadebyx,

    You have option to choose filter position on Settings page of our plugin

  •  2
    homemadebyx replied

    I apologize for overlooking that.   I thought i had gone through all those settings.

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    homemadebyx replied

    How can i close this ticket?   If i have another question should i create a new ticket?    My other question is how can i adjust the font size of the table (the spreadsheet data)?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Homemadebyx,

    It's better practise to open new ticket but I will answer you here.

    You can do it with CSS by adding code in CustomCSS filed on Settings page of our plugin. For table body you can do it like

    .wpDataTable tbody {
        font-size: 10px;

    and if you want to adjust table header differently 

    .wpDataTable thead {
        font-size: 20px;
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    homemadebyx replied

    Perfect.    Thanks for the help and congrats on a great plugin.