  Public Ticket #1031609
Remove all styling


  •  2
    tapettersen started the conversation

    Is it possible to remove all styling on the tables?. I want it to look as clean as possible.
    No header, no borders, just the text.
    If I could remove the header that would also work.

    I also need to just query the text from a table, just one value, no table. Is this possible with this plugin, or do I need to use another one? I would like to do it by shortcode. 

    And last 
    Is it possible to use arrays in the tables?
    I`m making a league website, and it would be nice if I could have all the members of a league in one table value.


  • [deleted] replied

    Hi tapettersen,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    Is it possible to remove all styling on the tables?
    - It can be done with custom CSS. You can add CSS to Custom CSS field on wpDataTables settings page and change all table styling by your needs.

    I also need to just query the text from a table, just one value, no table. Is this possible with this plugin, or do I need to use another one?
    - Unfortunately something like that is not possible out of the box.

    Is it possible to use arrays in the tables?
    - Can you explain me in more details what do you mean by using arrays in the table?

  •  2
    tapettersen replied

    I am making a website for poker leagues, so I need the webpage query all the members of a league, but I would like to have all info about the league in one table in the database.

    Like this

    database name=league name

    Fields =
    First field: Members (Andre, Glenn, Alex and so on.)
    Second field: Games played (01.01.17, 01.03.17, and so on.)  

    And just query all the different names in field one and so on.

    Is this possible?

    The website will have multiple leagues.
    Is it possible to use WpDataTables to generate a table of all the needed info for a league when a form is filled in, and then show the right info on a page depending on what league the logged in user is a part of?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi tapettersen,

    One datatable from the database will be one league table where columns will be Name (Member) and Date (Games Played)? Am I right?

    So if I understand you want when for example Andre logs in in your website see that league table and see just his row and all other details from that row and not to see all other users rows?

    Because you want to pull data from the database the best option is to use MySQL based wpDataTables. You can take a look at these links how you can create tables with MySQL - Creating MySQL-based wpDataTablesCreating MySQL-based wpDataTables with server-side processing