  Public Ticket #1025632
PDF Download Customization


  •  2
    duckstanceDigital started the conversation

    Hi Guys, Great Plugin! I love it and use it for a couple of sites. I was wondering if it was possible to customize the downloadable Print/PDF?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi duckstanceDigital,
    Thank you for the purchase.

    We are using datatables library for rendering tables and datatables is using pdfmake library for generating PDF Files. Library for creating and saving PDF Files is pdfmake. You can take a look at their documentation how it can be changed and all available features - Link.

  •  2
    duckstanceDigital replied

    Hi Milos, 

    Thank you very much for the reply. I'll have a look into it. in which file (code line) did you set the configuration for the docDefinition? is there e simple way to integrate one?? I think we would like to develope an Add-On to your wpDataTables Plugin to customize the pdf. Do you have some documentation that could help us?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi duckstanceDigital,

    You can find code in file class.wpdatatable.php starting with line:

    if( !empty($this->_tableToolsConfig['pdf'] ) ) {

    Also you have few more examples at datatables documentation how you can for example change orientation of the PDF file or add an image to it - Link 1 - Link 2 - Link 3