  Public Ticket #1023695


  •  2
    sneakyflea started the conversation


    Firstly, I went to your site to support to discover a 404 error.

    This was after having the plugin lock up, not save or attach any items for the dataset. The styling will not take and the item selection mini menu is confused with google maps. I would have sent a screenshot of the table, but, it locked up with a faded white overlay and a spinning cursor.

    Prior to this update, it worked well. Now, as you failed to protect the prior version from past or future updates, it is a mess. I only make these suggestions as I like what you had achieved, it is just not a reliable plugin.

    Then As I write this email for the second time, I am frustrated as I do not know if you would receive the previous private ticket as it kicked me out of the submit a ticket section. So this ticket will be public.

    Please. Just do better.

    EMAIL | [email protected]

  • [deleted] replied

    HiĀ sneakyflea,
    Thank you for the purchase and sorry for the inconvenience.

    Did you updated plugin to version 1.7.1? Did you deactivated/activated plugin after update?

    Please send me a link with table on it where this issue happens. Thanks.