  Public Ticket #1008449
Uploading files for Server Side Processing Use


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    James started the conversation

    Can you please tell me if files MUST be uploaded to PHPmyadmin in SQL format in order to utilize server-side processing? Thank you

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi James,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    It is not so clear to me. Can you describe your question in more details? On what files exactly do you mean?

    You can create wpDataTables with server-side processing in different ways.

    You can create wpDataTable based on MySQL query with Add From Data Source option, after that you can turn on Server-side processing option.

    Also every table created with wpDataTables constructor can be server-side table. If you are creating manual table it will be server-side by default. Same thing if you choose second option from wpDataTables constructor I would like to read the initial table data from an input file or Google Spreadsheet. If you choose third or fourth option with constructor these tables can be server-side but they do not have same as MySQL based tables created with Add From Data Source.

  •  2
    James replied

    When I upload a file that is NOT .SQL - I do not see the option to enable server-side processing. When I do use an SQL file, and follow the instructions provided for server-side processing, then I see the option to enable the feature.

    What am I doing wrong? It is difficult to convert an Excel file to an SQL file, especially if it is large. This is why I want to use an Excel format file with server-side processing capability. From the settings, this seems impossible. Help!

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    James replied

    I mean when I upload directly to PHPmyadmin and use a command line within the plugin. If it is not an SQL file - the option for server-side processing is not available in the settings.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi James,

    How did you created a table?

    If you want to create Server-side table from Excel file you can do it with wpDataTables Constructor. Choose I would like to read the initial table data from an input file or Google Spreadsheet and upload your file. This table will be by default Server-side and there will not be option to turn on Server-side. it will be already Server-side. Please take a look at this posts from our documentation for Creating editable tables out of Excel or CSV with Table Constructor - Text - Video

  •  2
    James replied

    I'm uploading a 3.51MB file. Is it too big? Taking forever.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi James,

    Please send me your file so I can take a look. Probably you have some server limitation that you have to adjust so you would be able to create a table from your file.

  •  2
    James replied

    Thanks. First I'm going to try again. I cut it down to 2.8MB. I'll let you know!

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi James,

    Please provide me a temporary WP-admin login for your site where this happens, so we could log in and take a look ‘from the inside’ as that’s the most efficient way to see and resolve the issue. We do not interfere with any data or anything else except for the plugin (in case that’s a production version of the site), and of course we do not provide login data to third party. You can write credentials here just check PRIVATE and nobody can see it except us.

  •  2
    James replied

    So I sent you the file. Do you think it could work or it is way too big? 2.8MB isn't big but there are 9 columns with over 37,000 rows.

  •   James replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Hi James,

    Please give me administrator privileges so I can take a look at this issue.

  •  2
    James replied

    oh sorry. Okay done.

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi James,

    This is not related with plugin then with server configurations. You can configureupload_max_filesize in php.ini file on your server or you can contact your hosting provider to do this for you. Probably upload_max_filesize on your server is set to 2,048 kb which is 2mb.

    Also I suggest you to increase these values in php.ini file:

    upload_max_filesize = 10M
    post_max_size = 25M
    memory_limit = 2048M

    Maybe the best solution is to convert this Excel file to CSV and then to create table in database from that CSV file directly in phpMyAdmin. When you do that you can create MySQL based wpDataTable that will get data from that table.

  •  2
    James replied

    Can I just create a php.ini file in my wp-admin folder? Can the file just contain:

    upload_max_filesize = 10M
    post_max_size = 25M
    memory_limit = 2048M

    What else does a php.ini file need to contain?

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi James,

    You already have php.ini. I saw now and your configuration is fine. You just have to increase memory_limit to 2048M instead 256M that is currently set.

    Please also send me your FTP account so I can debug this issue. Thanks.

  •  2
    James replied

    Maybe you saw what I just created. I added a php.ini to wp-admin. Did you find one somewhere else? I have no clue about FTP. I only use File Manager inside my hosting account. Where do you see it at 256M? I'd like to change that. Which file and where? Thanks

  •  2
    James replied

    I just found this about my Hosting, Hostgator:

    "We set the maximum memory limit at 256 MB (268,435,456 bytes). If you want to go higher, you will need a VPS plan or dedicated server." 

    Sad :(

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi James,

    I have added phpinfo() function to see you server configuration settings. 

    Yes,  that is probably main reason. I tried to create wpDataTables with constructor with smaller file and it is working fine. As a workaround you can create table in database from CSV file (First you have to convert your Excel file to CSV). Then you can create MySQL based wpDataTable that will fetch data from table in database with MySQL query.

  •  2
    James replied

    Thank a lot!