  Public Ticket #1006795


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    joshuadbroadwater started the conversation

    working on datatables right now.  Uploading an excel or converting it to a csv messes all formatting up as far a number values are concerned.  It will change "." to a comma, some values to random numbers, etc  I have around 70 pages to do.   I am attaching the excel file so you can see for yourself.  Thank you 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi joshuadbroadwater,
    Thank you for your purchase.

    Formatting from Excel file will be lost in wpDataTables (Colors, Fonts, Borders...). 

    Can you tell me exactly what columns did not import well in wpDataTable so I can take a look?

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    joshuadbroadwater replied

    When you import the numbers would change and add a . or , where they shouldn't be.  So for example the column ceiling a number should be 39.99 and it will import to 39,99.  IF you have two columns the same name it will also import only one.  I went ahead and changed column type to string and that fixed the problem on the periods instead of commas 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Joshua,

    "When you import the numbers would change and add a . or , where they shouldn't be.  So for example the column ceiling a number should be 39.99 and it will import to 39,99."
    - You can choose Number format on wpDataTables settings page. You can select comma to be decimal separator or to be thousand separator.

    "IF you have two columns the same name it will also import only one."
    - Yes, all columns should have different name in Excel file. Later when you create wpDataTable you can change names of the columns in Display Header and you can call them whatever you want.