  Public Ticket #1000643
Select Box Width Adjustment


  •  2
    jirobinson13300 started the conversation

    I'm trying to adjust the width of the select box but I'm not sure how to do it exactly. 

    I'm using the code:

    #table_1_4_filter .selecter .selecter-Year {

    height: auto !important;

    min-height: 30px !important;


    In the Custom wpDataTables CSS box in the wpDataTables settings but it is not working. I know I am just setting something wrong but don't have CSS experience. 

    I am trying to adjust the year width in the table on my site. The Table ID is 4. Screenshot is available below. 

  • [deleted] replied

    Hi Jirobinson13300,

    Code that you are using is for height. If you want to adjust width of that element please try to use

    .wpDataTables .filter_select .selecter .selecter-selected {
        min-width: 100px;

    If this code does not work please send me a link so I can take a look.

  •  2
    jirobinson13300 replied

    I missed that it was for height.... That worked perfectly, thank you.