wpDataTables Pricing

The price of our plugins and add-ons depends on where you're purchasing them from.

Prices are subject to change without prior notice.


If you want to buy the plugin through our website, there are three options you can choose from:

Basic - Full plugin that can be used only for one domain or project

Pro - Full plugin that can be used for 3 domains.

Developer - Full plugin that can be used on an unlimited number of domains.

These prices are based on a yearly subscription; all licenses include support and monthly updates the whole time the subscription lasts. All three licenses can be used on an unlimited number of subdomains.

There are also lifetime deals:

Basic Lifetime - Full plugin that can be used only for one domain or project.

Pro Lifetime - Full plugin that can be used for 3 domains.

Developer Lifetime - Full plugin that can be used on an unlimited number of domains.

If you are from a country where VAT (Value Added Tax) applies, a VAT charge will be applied to the transaction.

These prices are all lifetime licenses, and they include lifetime support and monthly updates. All three licenses can be used on an unlimited number of subdomains.

If you are looking at Envato marketplace, there are two licenses:

Regular - Full plugin with a lifetime license that can be used by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged with - price $299. There is an option to extend the support period up to 12 months upon purchase, and in that case, the price is $409.25.

Extended - Full plugin with a lifetime license that can be used by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged with - price $1495. There is an option to extend the support period up to 12 months upon purchase, and in that case, the price is $2046.25.

The total price includes the item price and a buyer's fee. It includes 6 months of support and ensures you will receive all future updates of the plugin even after the support period expires.